This unique festival occurred at UVM (and here's an article about it) with support from the Vermont FolkLife Center and many other sponsors. It was a thrill to contribute a small amount to the organization of this event and to be around such luminaries in the world of comics for 3 days.
Thursday began with a visit from James Sturm, Summer Pierre, and Allie Fitzgerald. We had coffee on Church St with Art Spiegleman before his talk later that evening. On Friday, Isaac Cates had a conversation with Joe Sacco in front of a full lecture hall, with a reception afterwards where I had a chance to talk with Joe, Hilary Chute, Chris Couch, Dan and Rachel Fogel, as well as meet the Quebecois cartoonists who came to the event: Francois Vigneault, Frances Desharnais, Alexandre Simard and Zviane of Pow Pow press, as well as Julie Delporte and Jimmy Beaulieu. I met Dana Walrath and Marek Bennet for the first time, after admiring their work for a long time. I came away from the exhibition hall on Saturday with an amazing collection of new books.
On Saturday there were five panel discussions, including mine on Autobiography--I was on the stage with James Kochalka, Julie Delporte, and Rachel Lindsay, moderated by Isaac Cates.
Alison Bechdel's talk on Saturday night was funny and inspiring, and I was made aware again how long she has been working (especially on Dykes to Watch Out For), and how much humor and truth she has given the world.
I feel very grateful to have been part of this unique event. Thanks to organizers Jonah Steinberg, Andy Kolovos, Margaret Tamulonis. I am sure I must be forgetting someone! It was FUN.